"Discipling Disciplers"

UCTM serves as the premier missiological training institute in the whole of North East India. As of now, UCTM has recorded over four hundred alumni who serve as pastors, missionaries, church planters, and teachers across Northeast and North India crossing into Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar and China.

Worship and Service

Spiritual life and development is an important feature of the college.

Weekend Ministry

All the students are required to reach the non-believers in and around Dimapur for evangelism and social ministry.

Campus Up-keeping

The students play a very important part in keeping UCTM campus clean and beautiful.

Guest House

Guest house to accommodate visiting faculty and oversea or national guest who comes in connection with UCTM purpose.


UCTM provides computers for students research and study purposes.

Family Groups

The community is divided into family groups for a year. The purpose of groups is for social interaction, spiritual encouragement and prayer


Our Vision:
To produce efficient and effective missionaries who would faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thereby serving as one of the most leading missiological research and training institutes in India.

Our Mission:
Responding to the leading of God’s Spirit, we train, equip men and women who are called of God to become efficient and effective missionaries, church workers, and to become effective disciplers.


Short Term Mission Courses, Bachelor Level Courses & Masters Level Courses

Principal's Greetings

Welcome to United College of Theology and Missions! I am glad that you have chosen to become a part of the UCTM family. It is a place where lives have been transformed to transform others

UCTM continues to be on the leading edge of missiology in Northeast India. We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority and a guiding principle for our beliefs and practices. We strive for biblical scholarship for students to meet the ever-growing needs of our churches and theological educators.  We are committed to academic excellence without comprising the biblical Truth.


Financial Aid for


Each year four students are given special awards in recognition of their meritorious achievements.