United College of Theology & Missions

Philosophy of Ministry

Our Vision

To produce efficient and effective missionaries who would faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thereby serving as one of the most leading missiological research and training institutes in India.

Our Mission

Responding to the leading of God’s Spirit, we train, equip men and women who are called of God to become efficient and effective missionaries, church workers, and to become effective disciplers.

Our Core Values

Our core values is to be Christ-centered, Bible-based, Church-oriented, Mission-directed, and Context-relevant as we aim at the following areas—

In the Area of Focus:

  • Developing mission leadership: Preparing and producing credible leaders for church ministry and mission
  • Specializing task force: Equipping students in theology, language, culture, climate, food habit as well as exposing to human religions in order to introduce eternity to the lost with effectiveness.
  • Recruiting and Developing Base: Providing opportunities to students for field exposure in a cross-cultural
  • Self-support raising training: Training students to explore and raise their own support before landing on the mission

In the Area of Commitment:

  • Spiritual formation: Giving priority to the spiritual nurture and development of the whole UCTM
  • Character building: Biblical principle of loving, learning, caring, sharing, growing, living and working together in a cross cultural community.
  • Academic excellence: Serving as a premier center of advanced Theological and Missiological Education in India with well qualified and experienced teachers both regional and
  • Missionary vision: Identifying people groups, soul winning, church growth and planting, and disciple-making based on missiological

Our Uniqueness

The following concerns prompted the founders of UCTM which has been termed as the ‘TRAP’ of Missionary God.

Tragedy: The world is lost in total darkness without the light of Christ. It is only in Christ alone the lost world can find salvation. We must urgently respond to the needs of the world by sharing Christ’s love both in word and in deed because time is running out.

Relevancy: Heavy battle requires professionally trained fighters. Evangelism and church planting is a heavy warfare. It needs effectively trained personnel in Theology, human language, culture, climate, food habit as well as exposing to human religions in order to introduce Eternity to the lost with effectiveness.

Author of Missions: Christ has commanded His chosen people to proclaim the good news of salvation to all nations. We must respond in obedience to fulfill the task He has entrusted unto us.

Partnership: The involvement of the whole church is imperative if we must reach the whole world. Thus, motivating and mobilizing unity among the churches and networking agencies for active partnership becomes highly essential.