United College of Theology & Missions

Graduate Level Courses

This Graduate Level Courses are for three degree programs: Bachelor of Theology, Diploma in Mission Studies, and Certificate in Mission Studies. The curriculums are as follows:

Branch I Department of General Studies

            BG102.3 Discipleship and Spiritual Life Development

This course is designed to help the students learn about the significance of discipleship in Christian life. It also emphasizes the necessity of spiritual development with a view to helping the students grow in Christian maturity and servicee.

            BG 101.3 Research Methods

This course is designed to help the students learn basic study methods to be able to improve the skills of reading, writing and learning processes, and assists the student to learn how to make secondary research and report the findings. This course will enable the students to be familiar with the style and format of academic writing and reporting.

            BG 102.2 Principles of Language Learning

This course is designed to develop students’ basic capacity to learn new language by cognitive and analytical approach.

            BG 103.3 Hindi Paper I, II, III, IV

This course is designed for six semesters which includes basic grammar, vocabularies and simple preaching in Hindi. The purpose of this course is to enable the students to become more proficient in the national language in order    to reach the Hindi speaking people in India with the gospel.

            BG 105.3 English Paper I, II

This course is designed to help students learn elements of the English language including grammar. The purpose of this course is to enable the students to communicate correctly in English in their interaction with others, in their leading, preaching and teaching. It is also to help students comprehend and understand the English literatures.

            BG 106.3 Music

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of music, incorporation of music notation for rhythm, pitch, and simple chord construction.

Branch II Department of Biblical Studies Old Testament

BO 201.3 Old Testament Survey

This course is designed to  introduce  Old  Testament  with  a  view  to  helping the students to know the background and formation of the Old Testament which includes the classification and content of each book of the Old Testament that include Authorship, date, main themes and purpose.

            BO 202.3 Biblical Interpretation

This course is an introduction to the principles and processes of Biblical interpretation with emphasis on the principles of general and special hermeneutics as well as on the basic exegetical methods and tools.

            BO 203.3 Introduction to Pentateuch

This study provides a general understanding of the content; message and the formation of the first five books to enable the students understand the authorship and criticism in the study of the Pentateuch.

            BO 204.3 History of Israel-A General Study

This course is designed to enable the students understand the history of the people of Israel and to provide significant understanding of God’s action in history according to the Old Testament.

            BO 205.3 Introduction to Hebrew Poetical and Wisdom Literature

This study provides the students with general information about Hebrew poetry and their value for worship today. It will also help the students to know the relevance of Hebrew wisdom and literature for our times.

            BO 206.3 Introduction to Prophetical Movement and Jeremiah

This course is to help the students understand the background and development of prophesy in Israel. Particular attention is given to the development of prophetic ministry in the life of Israel especially in Jeremiah and in New Testament.

Branch III Department of New Testament

            BN 301.3 New Testament Survey

This course is designed to introduce New Testament with a view to helping the students to know the background and formation of the New Testament which includes the classification and content of each book of the New Testament that include Authorship, date, main themes and purpose.

            BN 302.3 Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ

This is a detailed study of the person and work of Jesus Christ with special reference to the present day relevance.

            BN 303.3 The Synoptic Gospels- A general study

A comparative study of the synoptic gospels designed to acquaint the students with a comprehensive view of the life of Christ.

            BN 304.3 Gospel According to John

This is a detailed study of the gospel of John with special emphasis on the divinity of Jesus Christ.

            BN 305.3 Missiological Issues in Acts and Pauline Epistles

This course introduces the understanding of the church that was established in first century. It is also a study of the Missiological issues found in the Book of Acts and the Pauline Epistles and the principles of dealing with those issues for today’s context.

            BN 306.3 Pauline Epistles – A General Study

A general study of the Pauline epistles with particular reference to the theological issues, culture, social, religious and pastoral issues with the view to developing missionary models and ethical norms for the pastoral ministry in the today’s context.

            BN 307.3 Pastoral Epistles – A General Study

This course introduces the theological and the pastoral issues of the epistles with the view to enabling the students to grapple with the missiological issues     in today’s context.

            BN 308.3 The General Epistles- A General Study

A study of the General Epistles that includes the Authorship, date, purpose, occasion and general background of each of the epistles. This study also deals with the general characteristics and the problems of the church reflected in them and their solutions.

            BN 310.3 The Book of Revelation

This exposition of the Book of Revelation that demonstrates that Revelation does not merely tell the events of the end times. Rather it tells there events in such a day as to help the rather live a godly life and be an overcomer.

Branch VI Department of Theology

            BT 401.3 Introduction to Systematic Theology I

This course deals with major doctrines like the revelation of God, the Scripture and the triune God along with the introduction of doctrines. This course is designed for the students to grow deeper in Christian faith and commitment.

            BT 402.3 Introduction to Systematic Theology II

This course deals with major doctrines like the origin of man and sin, salvation, the church, eschatology and the doctrine of Satan and Angels. This course is designed for the students to grow deeper in Christian faith and commitment.

            BT 403.3 Christian Ethics

This  study  is  an  introduction  to  Christian  Ethics,  with  attention  given   to methodology, biblical foundations and Christian responsibility in relation to the personal and current social issues.

Branch V Department of History of Christianity

            BH 501.3 History of Christianity – World

This course covers overall view of the history of the Christianity from a missiological perspective. It is to help students learn lessons from the past of how God’s people in trying to fulfill God’s Great Commission have failed and succeeded in their endeavor.

            BH 502.3 History of Christianity – India

This study covers the History of Christianity in India from the first century to the present day within the scope of missiological implication and lessons for today.

Branch VI Department of Missiology

            BM 601.3 Missionary Anthropology

This course studies the theories and methods anthropology uses in studying human societies and cultures, and applies these insights in planting churches and developing contextualized expressions of Christianity.

            BM 602.3 Evangelism

This course provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to biblical teaching of evangelism, practice of evangelism, particularly in and through the local church. It is designed to enable the learners to build an evangelistic mindset and ministry in the church.

            BM 603.3 Life and Work of Cross Culture Missionary

This course is designed to enable the learners to understand the importance   of Spiritual calling to do a work of a missionary. Emphasis is given in this course to prepare the leaners concerning the expectation and challenges in the mission field.

            BM 604.3 Strategies of Church Planting

This course is to acquaint the students with the biblical principles and practices of church planting and growth based on the Bible. Key attention is given to historical models, cultural issues involved.

            BM 605.3 Theology of Mission

This course is designed to equip the students with the concepts, its origin, purpose, scope, goal and development of theology of mission. It concerns with the missiological approach in the study of the Bible to be challenged for ministry.

            BM 606.3 Contemporary Issues in Mission

This course outlines the various issues in mission to acquaint the students with various emerging issues confronting Christian mission today and to effectively deal with them from the Biblical perspective.

            BH 607.3 Missionary Biographies – Selected

This is a study of the lives of great men and women in the history of missions to motivate the students to take up such challenges and make commitment in life for missions.

Branch VII Department of Christian Ministry

            BCM 701.3 Pastoral Care and Counseling

This course is an introduction to the study of pastoral care and counseling, the principles and skills of counseling, and dealing with the various practical situations.

            BCM 702.3 Church Management

This course emphasizes on the nature, function and organizational structures of the church including the business and financial affairs of the church. It is designed to equip the students with the principles and procedures involved in mission and church management

            BCM 703.3 Homiletics

This course deals with the skills, art and theory of preaching. It is designed   to equip the students to effectively present the Word of God primarily to the congregation for positive response.

            BCM 704.3 Christian Education

This is a study of the importance of Christian education and its ministry for the Christian and the church. The distinctiveness of Christian education will be emphasized.

            BCM 705.3 Leadership

This course is designed to build up leadership qualities and competency of the students. Special attention is given to the equipping and mobilization of the laity, the development of various ministries, and the overall administration and management of church programs.

            BCM 706.3 Introduction to Communication

This is a study of communication skills for ministry. This course is intended for the students to explore on the meaning, forms, types, models and barriers       to communication. This course will help the students to understand Christian Communication and Media studies in a broader perspective for Christian Mission and Ministry.

Branch VIII Department of Religion and Philosophy

            BR 801.3 Major Religions in India

This is a general introduction to the study of religions to enable the students understand the origin, the main teachings and the scope of each religion in India and the uniqueness of Christ.

            BR 802.3 Modern Religious and Secular Movements in India

This course is a general introduction in the study of modern religious and secular movements in India to acquaint the students with the major religious and socio political developments in the sub-continent during the 19th and 20th centuries. The study includes a critical evaluation of these movements so that the students will understand the positive and negative impact and the church’s witness in contemporary secular India.

            BR 803.3 Introduction to Cults and Occults

This course will study the major cults and occults and seek to develop a critical understanding which will enable the students to effectively deal with its beliefs and practices by the standard of the Bible.