United College of Theology & Missions


I am thrilled to write that call to ministry is a call to serve.  To be relevant, it requires the highest quality of preparation, theological education and training. As you consider your calling, know that your choice of a theological college or seminary is crucial. Seek a seminary that stand for the inerrancy of Scripture and the uniqueness of Christ, a seminary that is committed to academic learning and deeply committed the church and the ministry. United College of Theological and Missions is committed to Academic excellence, Character formation, Leadership development and missionary vision.

For 29 years UCTM has represented the quality of our commitment.  The curriculum, programs and activities are designed to equip credible relevant leaders for church ministry and mission. Each Faculty is a committed Christian who loves the church and combines academic excellence with hands-on experience.   If you are call to ministry, consider UCTM and commit yourself to study, reflect, and apply efficiently.        


Temsulemla Longchar