Short Term Missionary Course
This course essentially serves as a Basic Missionary Orientation course for five months.
BMO 901.3. Strategies of Church Growth
This course is to acquaint the students with the Biblical principles and practices of church planting and growth based on the Bible. Key attention is given to historical models, cultural issues involved in church planting and growth.
BMO 902.3. Missionary Anthropology
This course examines the theories and methods anthropology uses in studying human societies and cultures, and applies these insights in the planting of churches and developing contextualized expressions of Christianity.
BMO 903.3. Urban Missions
This course is an introduction to theories and practices of urban ministries. It is designed to enable the students to identify, understand and appreciate the enormous urban challenges for the ministry. Key biblical and theological reflections on the city are undertaken with a view to assisting the students to grasp the importance of doing effective ministry in urban context.
BMO 904.3. Cross Cultural Communication
This course is to help the students learn the definition of culture, form and meaning and the basic approaches and principles for effective cross cultural communication.
BMO 905.3. History of Mission – India
This study covers the History of Christianity in India from the first century to the present day within the scope of missiological implication and lessons for today.
BMO 906.3. Missionary Biographies – Selected
This is a study of the lives of great men and women in the history of missions to motivate the students to take up such challenges and make commitment in life for missions.
BMO 907.3. Pastoral Care and Counseling
This course is a study of the theological foundations of pastoral care and counseling, theories and methods, principles and skills of counseling, and dealing with the various practical situations.
BMO 908.3. Leadership Skills
This course is designed to build up leadership qualities and competency of the students. Special attention is given to the equipping and mobilization of the laity, the development of various ministries, and the overall administration and management of church programs.
BMO 909.3 First Corinthians
This course is a detailed study of Corinthians with emphasis given on the nature of the problems in the church, solution and its relevance to the present day church.
Seminars on relevant topics, given below, shall be conducted by the institution from time to time. It is compulsory for all students to attend seminars. Those who fail to attend are not allowed to write the exam.
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