Brief History
On October 15, 1977 the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), made a covenant to send ten thousand missionaries to the world. To achieve this vision, United College of Theology and Missions (UCTM) formerly known as Outreach Leadership Training College (OLTC) and Missiological Research Center (MRC) was established to equip men and women who would faithfully carry out the gospel of Jesus Christ across the great nation of India and its surrounding nations, namely— Bhutan, Nepal, China, Bangladesh, and Myanmar and even beyond.
Thus UCTM commenced with a four month basic missionary orientation course in 1992 with its motto ‘Discipling Disciplers.’ Later in 1996, the need for effective and competent ministry led the UCTM into degree program with an intensive field work. On the demand of the churches, the College introduced Master of Arts in Missiology (MA) in 200, and Master of Divinity (MDiv) in 2007.
The Inter-cultural research wing was also inaugurated on 2012, 17th November, especially designed to equip the trainees to be competent and confident in cross- cultural communication. The research division is committed to conduct categorical and tactical anatomy of religions and cultures, exploring relevant room for the gospel to make inroads.
Recently, Master of Theology (MTh) in Mission was inaugurated on 2021, 4th February. Today, UCTM serves as the premier missiological training institute in the whole of North East India. As of now, UCTM has recorded over four hundred alumni who serve as pastors, missionaries, church planters, and teachers across Northeast and North India crossing into Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar and China.