United College of Theology & Missions

Mr John Zate & Mrs Nivino Kapfo Zate (AN ALUMNA MINISTRY UPDATE)

India is a vast country with more than one billion people. Over three thousand people groups, and about thirty-five thousand missionaries are at work. Still the need is great.

The Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM) began in 1965 with a vision to reach the gospel to every nation. IEM is an inter-denominational prayer and people movement.

The small state of Tripura with more than thirty-seven lakh population has a large diversity of tribal people. There are around nineteen tribal community of which our family (IEM) works among the Urang people group which is about sixteen thousand population.

Some of the ministries involved are evangelism and church planting, Day Care Centre (tuition), Adult Literacy, Ethno-music, medical work, social development, green farming, income generation, Bible translation, and church building project. Our commitment is to take the gospel to the unevangelized people group and planting church among them.

If the lord is calling you, you can commit yourself for missionary service through IEM. Be a part of this missionary endeavor in making Christ known.

Mr John Zate & Mrs Nivino Kapfo Zate 

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